Thursday, August 18, 2011

29 weeks pregnant

I am now 29 weeks pregnant and trying to hang in there! I'm in more pain then not. I can barely stand even a breif walk to the restroom is painful. I have talked to the midwife and told her from now on I only want to see her because she is the only one that listens to me and I feel comfortable with her. She said that is fine and just tell the front desk everytime when I make my appointments I want her. She checked my cervix today by hand and said my water bag was hanging out to far!! I have already put myself on bedrest pretty much since it hurts to walk anyways. She said that's good do it as much as I can. She sent me to the hospital for a non stress test just to check for contractions. They hooked me up for 30 minutes only had 1 small contraction in that time so they sent me home. My 4 yr old starts preschool soon and I am the only one who can take him, not sure how this is going to work out. I just hope and pray the baby will be ok. I'm praying to keep her in at least until I'm 34 weeks I have had 2 at that gestation and while not ideal I know she has a better chance the longer she stays inside my belly.

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